Guide – How To Start – Trac System with Auth on Debian 11

 Enhance project management efficiency while ensuring security with Trac System, a robust platform offering authentication features, tailored for Debian 11.

This is a quick deployment and ready-to-run image.

Simple and rapid installation. Easy to maintain.

Configuring and connecting to Trac System with Auth on Debian 11

To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal.

  1. For the connection to the server, you should know the IP address of the VM. You can find it in the personal account of Azure. (You need to select the virtual machine from the list. By clicking the item “Overview”, your IP is displayed in the line “Public IP Address”).
  1. To work, you must open port 80 (TCP) in the network properties in the Azure firewall.
  1. To open the site, go to the following address in any browser convenient for you: http://vm_ip.
  1. You will be asked to select the project. The system has already created one project called “Default project” by default.
  1. To log in as administrator, click ‘Login’
  1. Enter login tracadmin (1), password adminpwd (2), and click Sign In (3).
  1. For further setup and site operations, see the manuals and setup guides. You can find links at the bottom of the page in the “Starting Point” section or the “Help/Guide” link in the upper right of the page.
  1. To manage with a Trac server, you should connect to a VM.
    • With OpenSSH

In the Windows 10 operating system (starting with version 1809), an OpenSSH client is available, with which you can connect to Linux servers via SSH. If Windows 10 is suitable and the OpenSSH client is installed, you can start connecting via SSH. To do this, launch a standard Windows command prompt and enter the command “ssh user@*vm_ip*” (1), where “user” is the username that was specified while creating the virtual machine and “*vm_ip*” is the VM IP address.

Then type “Yes” (2) and enter a password (3) that was specified while creating the virtual machine.

  • With the PuTTy application 

To do this you need the PuTTy application to connect via ssh. You can download it at the following link – Download

Run Putty, enter the VM address in the “Host” field (1), and click “Open” (2) to connect.

In the opened console, you will need to enter a username (1) and password (2) that were specified while the VM was being created (you’ll not see the password in the console while entering it). 

  1. After logging in, run the following command:

> sudo su (1)

> mkdir -p /var/local/trac/new_project (2)

> trac-admin /var/local/trac/new_project initenv (3)

To replace “new_project”, enter the directory title for your new project

Enter the title of the new project (4) and press “Enter” twice (5)

  1. Stop the Trac service by the following command:

> systemctl stop trac

  1. Open the file in the nano text editor:

> sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/system/trac.service

  1. Take the following actions in sequence:

Following the default project path, add your new project path (for example, /var/local/trac/new_project).

Press Ctrl+X to exit the file

Press “Y” to save the changes in the file

Press “Enter” to confirm the changes in the file

  1. To apply the changes, enter the following command:

> systemctl daemon-reload

  1. Launch the service again with the following command:

> systemctl start trac

  1. The new project will be displayed on the start page

Now you can use, configure, and manage Trac System Server with Auth.

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