Guide – How To Start – Sonerezh – Music Broadcasting Server for Ubuntu

Sonerezh is a self-hosted, web-based music streaming server written in PHP and HTML5. It’s lightweight compared to Subsonic which is written in Java. Sonerezh is open-source software, distributed under the terms of AGPL.

This is a quick deployment and ready-to-run image.
Simple and rapid installation. Easy to maintain.

Configuration and connection to Sonerezh – Music Broadcasting Server for Ubuntu

  1. To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal.
  2. After starting the VM, you can go to the main page. To do this, go to the following address http: //*vm_ip*:80.
  3. The authorization page will open. To log in as an administrator, use the username and password sonerezh.
  1. After authorization, the main page opens. First of all, it is recommended to change the password for the account. To do this, click on the account icon at the top right of the page.
  1. Click the profile edit button opposite the administrator account.
  1. Enter the new password in the “New password” and “Confirm Password” fields, you can also change the login for the account if desired.
  1. To add audio to the library, you need to upload music to the server. For example, you can connect to the VM via PuTTY –  Download.
  2. Run Putty, enter the VM address in the “Host” field, and click “Open” to connect.
  1. In the opened console you will need to enter a username and password that were specified the when the VM have been creating.
  2. Go to the folder where we will upload the music. To do this, enter the command

        cd /home/music

  1. You can upload audio files to this folder. To download a track via a direct link, you can use the following command (while inside the album folder).

        > wget -O %file_name% %link_to music%

For instance:
> wget -O Omen.mp3 ''

  1. Now you need to scan the folder for added files. To do this, go to the update page in the upper right, and click the “Start update” button.
  1. If you did everything correctly, then your tracks should appear on the main page, which you can play directly from the browser.

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